Healthy Foods For Summertime

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long recognized the importance of adjusting our diets based on the seasons. In TCM, each season is associated with different organs and elements, and the foods we eat can help support our health during these times.

During the summer, the body needs cooling, hydrating foods to help balance the heat. According to TCM, summer is associated with the heart and small intestine, which are responsible for circulating blood and digesting food. The element associated with summer is fire, which represents the expansive and active aspects of nature.

Here are some foods that are beneficial during the summer months:

Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are hydrating and cooling, making them an excellent choice during the hot summer months. Watermelon, cucumber, and tomatoes may be particularly beneficial. Light, refreshing meals: During the summer, it's best to eat light, refreshing meals such as salads, smoothies, and raw dishes. These meals are easy to digest and won't weigh you down in the heat.

Bitter foods: Bitter foods such as arugula, dandelion greens, and radicchio help cool and detoxify the body, making them an excellent choice during the summer months. Adjusting how we eat based on the seasons can have a significant impact on our health and well-being.

Eating cooling and hydrating foods during the summer can help support our bodies natural rhythms and balance. A great tip is choosing produce that are in season at your local grocery store or farmers' market.

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