What is Direct Primary Care

Looking for a great Primary Care Physician but don't have insurance?

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a concept of medicine that cuts out insurance companies and provides people with excellent primary care. It allows Doctors to spend time with their patients, get to know them and help them navigate their health.

Dr. Scott sees patients at Wishing Wellness Medical where we offer same day or next day appointments.

What is Functional Medicine

Dr. Scott Jacobson is one of a small group of functional medicine providers in Las Vegas.

What is Functional Medicine:

Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership.

It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.

Functional medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease.

In this way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.

Learn more: https://drhyman.com/about-2/about-functional-medicine/

Functional Medicine

In simplest terms, think of it as the ultimate in personalized, one-on-one, therapeutic relationships. It’s a health-focused, patient-centric partnership, in which doctor and patient work together to dig deep and find out the causes of illness and disease.

Functional Medicine is not an either/or system, but rather a true combination of Conventional Medicine and many different alternative and complementary therapies. It acknowledges the strengths of Conventional Medicine for acute and crisis-care, but also realizes that this approach does not have the tools for preventing and treating chronic diseases.

Keto Sushi

One of our favorite meals to make at home is Sushi- Recently we've been experimenting with #VeganSushi and #KetoSushi

To satisfy various diets we made some with brown rice, some with cauliflower rice using vegan cheese as a binding agent and some with tofu and others with shrimp & tuna.

Everyone gave it a thumbs up!

To make Keto Sushi:

16 oz. Cauliflower

6 oz. Cream Cheese, softened

1-2 tbsp. Rice Vinegar

1 tbsp. Soy Sauce (or coconut aminos)

Several sheets of Nori

Make into cauliflower rice, mix together and make whatever roll makes you smile.

To make Vegan/Keto Sushi substitute cream cheese with soft vegan cheese.

Dr Scott Your Personal Primary Care MD

The future is now. Why wait 6 weeks to see a primary care physician, get little face time and zero follow up.

At Wishing Wellness Medical we offer same day or next day appointments. We also love 'seeing' patients via phone or video consults. We offer Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong and Meditation classes taught by Dr. Scott. We book our appointments in 30 to 90 min increments and don't make our patients wait.

Dr Scott is a board certified family MD in the states of Nevada and Florida. He sees patients of all ages.
Dr Scott sees patients in both Summerlin and Henderson. Call us today 702-970-1111 to find out more about Exceptional Primary Care in Las Vegas for $149 a month. Insurance Free, No Copays. Unlimited, unhurried, 24h virtual care, wholesale meds, labs and imagine.

10120 South Eastern Avenue #130
Henderson, NV 89052

10161 Park Run Dr. Suite #150
Las Vegas, NV 89145

Grounding In Nature With Dr. Scott

Qigong in #nature #grounding

Studies show that regular, direct access to nature can: increase self esteem and resilience against stress and adversity. It can also improve concentration, learning, creativity, cognitive development, cooperation, flexibility and self-awareness.

Recently, scientific research has indicated that your body can be protected and healed when you electrically reconnect to the Earth. That is, when you are grounded.

Being grounded can help relieve inflammation. When grounded, the diurnal rhythm of the stress hormone, cortisol, begin to normalize. Cortisol is connected to your body’s stress response and helps control blood sugar levels, regulates metabolism, helps reduce inflammation, and assists with memory formulation.

When you are grounded, your circulation improves, aiding in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in your whole body.

While the research on grounding is relatively new, the practice is timeless. Past societies went barefoot or wore leather footwear that allowed the energy from the Earth to rise up into their bodies.

How to Ground: go barefoot for at least 30 min outside and see what a difference that makes on your pain or stress level. Sit, stand, or walk on soil, grass, sand, or concrete. These are all conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the Earth’s energy.

Dr. Scott Jacobson is a board certified family doctor and founder of Wishing Wellness Medical.

He sees patients in both a primary care and Functional Medicine capacity blending traditional Western medicine, holistic health, and Functional Medicine.


Infrared Sauna Qigong Class

A couple more shots from out Qigong class Drop Sauna Studio/AthletiCouture thank you for hosting!

"Sauna experiences have been used throughout history to enhance human health—sweating as a method of detoxifying. However, most methods are unable to effectively penetrate human tissue and are often not well tolerated.

Infrared heat, found in the sunlight, is required by all living things and is void of harmful UV rays. Infrared saunas surround you with FAR infrared energy which deeply penetrates skin tissue, joints and muscles—increasing oxygen flow and circulation. This thorough penetration allows up to seven times (20%) more detoxification than typical sweating (2-3%). This process helps drive impurities from fat cells where heavy toxins and waste are stored."

Kava Ceremony

Known as yaqona, kava is a mildly narcotic drink made from mixing the powdered root of the pepper kava plant with water or coconut water for a less bitter taste and results in a numb feeling around the mouth, lips and tongue and a sense of relaxation.

For many Pacific Islanders, kava is a link to their ancestral past and part of tradition.

The drink itself is thought to have medicinal qualities.

A traditional Kava Ceremony consists of: participants sitting in a circle on the floor while a large bowl is placed in front of the leader. The plant is pounded or in this case the powdered root, and placed in a cloth sack and mixed with water in a tanoa (bowl) where it turns a brownish color. The leader strains the liquid and fills coconut cups to be presented and drunk around the circle.

We had a great time participating in a Kava Ceremony 

Dr. Scott's Medical Qigong Workshop at Vegas Gone Yoga Festival

It's that time of year again! Vegas Gone Yoga Festival is just around the corner and Dr. Scott will be teaching a Medical Qigong Workshop.

In Dr. Scott’s Medical Qigong class, movements will be taught that help the body heal physical and energetic imbalances.

Learn the basic theories of energy, regulation of organs, meridians, and how to strengthen the body’s immune system. Topics covered include posture, detoxification, and the Ba Duan Jin, aka the 8 sections of brocade: a classic set of exercises developed to work all the organs in the traditional Chinese medical system.

You will leave with a better understanding how to heal your body and establish a home practice.

Use discount code PRESENTER for 20% off One & Two Day Pass

Dr Scott's Interview on CBD with Las Vegas' Elevate Magazine

Dr. Jacobson prefers a holistic approach and generally recommends CBD topicals, liposomal or sublingual products, and low temperature vaping to his patients. “For someone with chronic pain, I try to get them off smoking. I try to get them on a topical or a tincture, or a sublingual that’s going to be a standard dose. You take it four times a day and start with a set amount, whether its 10 milligrams four times a day, depending on what their tolerance is and kind of slowly go up on it until they get the desired effect. I usually like to help people at least be on equal amounts of THC/CBD,” he suggested.



Dr. Scott on Sunscreen

When selecting a sunscreen, make sure the label says:

Broad spectrum: The words "broad spectrum” means that the sunscreen can protect your skin from both types of harmful UV rays — the UVA rays and the UVB rays.

SPF 30 or higher: The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that you select a sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30 or higher.

Water resistant: Doctors also recommend that you look for the words "water resistant.” This tells you that the sunscreen will stay on wet or sweaty skin for a while before you need to reapply. Water resistance lasts either 40 or 80 minutes. Not all sunscreens offer water resistance.

Since its inception in 1979, The Skin Cancer Foundation has always recommended using a sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher as one important part of a complete sun protection regimen.

Other tips on how to enjoy Summer in Las Vegas:

Seek the shade- It's a dry heat! 
Avoid tanning and UV tanning beds- really pls don't
Cover up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses.
Use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher every day. For extended outdoor activity, use a water-resistant, broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
Apply 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) of sunscreen to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply every two hours or immediately after swimming or excessive sweating.
Keep newborns out of the sun. Sunscreens should be used on babies over the age of six months.
Examine your skin head-to-toe every month.
See Dr Scott for a professional skin exam.

We are booking skin consults all month. 
Call us to schedule a skin cancer screening with Dr. Scott

Serotonin & Your Health

The neurotransmitter serotonin is a substance that occurs naturally in your body. As a neurotransmitter, serotonin carries signals along and between nerve cells (neurons).

The majority of serotonin is actually found in the digestive system. It’s also in the central nervous system and blood platelets, too, but for the most part, serotonin is found in the gut.

Serotonin is nature’s high. It makes us feel good. This chemical is produced by our nerve cells, and it’s made from tryptophan, an essential amino acid.

How food can increase serotonin levels:

Foods high in simple carbohydrates, such as pastas, potatoes, bread, pastries, pretzels, and popcorn, increase insulin levels and allow more tryptophan (the natural amino acid building block for serotonin) to enter the brain, where it is converted to serotonin. The calming effect of serotonin can often be felt in thirty minutes or less by eating these foods.

This may be one of the reasons simple carbohydrates are so addictive. They can be used to make you feel happy, but also cause high blood sugar levels that over time are associated with brain atrophy and dementia. Good complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, apples, blueberries, carrots, and garbanzo beans, are a healthier way to boost serotonin.

Brain serotonin levels can also be raised by eating foods rich in L-tryptophan, such as chicken, turkey, salmon, beef, nut butter, eggs, and green peas.

How are functional and conventional medicine different?

In conventional medicine, there’s a doctor for every different organ system (cardiologists for the heart, dermatologists for the skin, etc.).

Functional medicine, on the other hand, takes a look at the body as an interconnected whole. “While the conventional model excels at naming and categorizing groups of symptoms into diagnoses, it doesn’t help us uncover the root cause of the symptoms, especially when a single rootcause manifests across numerous body systems,” says Alexandra Palma, MD.

In other words, functional medicine takes a more holistic approach in order to focus on the triggers of poor health, whereas conventional medicine tends to focuses on the consequences (i.e., symptoms) of poor health.

Invest in yourself and your family. �
Initial Functional Medicine Evaluation are $300 for a 90 minute session.

Mental Health

Mental health and wellbeing is about thoughts, feelings and relationships and comes up in all areas of your life. Your mental health can change at different times and is affected by many different things.
There are things you can do to look after your mental health:

1. Stay Connected- it's important to stay in touch with people, especially when you're down. Even if you don't feel like it, being around other people and talking can improve your mood.

2. Get Active - regular activity has been proven to have a positive effect on your mood and mental well being - dance, walk, run, playing sport, gardening, whatever it is, get moving!

3. Take Notice - check out what is happening around you, be in the moment and try to experience what you are doing, this is good for your wellbeing and can stop you worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.

4. Learn - achieving a goal or learning something new can increase your confidence and boost your wellbeing.

5. Give - giving can be very rewarding and help you build connections - volunteer some time for a cause, help out a neighbor or help in your community, give to a good cause, buy a stranger a coffee - however big or small giving can give you a boost.

Dr Scott's Interview re Plant Based Vegan Diet

Check out the June issue of Sensi Magazine where Dr. Scott is interviewed about Plant-Based Diet/ Vegan in Vegas.
Article starts on page #20

Amazing men and women demonstrate daily their passion for making [Vegas] a better place to live. They design the future with solutions. Whether it is the food that nourishes, structures that protect, exhibiting kindness to animals, or working to decriminalize, hope is here, and everyone is welcome to show that they also care.
